Saturday, April 07, 2007

Perfect Eyes
Had a dinner with one my closest friend recently and we touched on the subject of having so-called perfect eyes. For someone like me who has been having bad vision since secondary school, the thought of having perfect eyes always comes to my mind. No more those geeky-looking glasses or even the need to wear those contact lenses just to avoid wearing those glasses. But for now, I can't live without my lenses particularly when I'm out. I just hate to wear glasses because I find, it makes my face really greasy and oily when I wear it and the idea of pushing it up now and then really irritates me. My friend is going for a surgical procedure soon for eye correction for perfect eyes and the surgery is intended to reduce her dependency on glasses or contact lenses. Well, the idea sounds good, but her explanation on how it is really done really scares me. The procedure is quite simple from what she said and its basically a surgery that permanently changes the shape of the cornea, the clear covering of the front of the eye, using an excimer laser. And all this can be done in within 5 minutes. GASP! Talked about technology. But from what I heard, the cost of the surgery is so expensive for a just 5 minutes surgery.

Having perfect eyes sounds really good to me and I'm tempted to do it, but having to think that I'm still awake and aware of what is happening during that laser surgery, really troubles me. Well....should I?*in deep thoughts.....maybe later or err...never!


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