Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Car Accident!

Was involved in an accident today, involving 3 cars. What a horrible day to start just after the CNY. :( My car was severely damaged and will be in the workshop for at least 2 weeks and looking at my car after the wreck, the cost of the damage will probably cost a bomb. I feel so handicapped without the car. Praise God, noone was injured, just a little bit traumatised by the incident. Sigh...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a big wreck. Glad you are ok! Take care. Let Jon do a bit of chauffeuring.

ann said...

Yup...i'm OK but feel so handicapped without the car.:( Its true, sort of spent a little bit more time than usual with Jon every morning going to work and coming back from work!:)

kiLikiNa said...

well, now that you are ok, i think you should start blogging....:P

ann said...

And I just did...:)sort of bz past few weeks...


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