Wednesday, May 09, 2007

OH NO....!!

What an eventful weekend I had last week. Last Saturday, I tripped and fell in the middle of the pathway at the flea market in Curve and I was of coz pretty embarassed about it. What confounded it was as I was falling down, instintively I grabbed whatever that is within reach, unfortunately what I grabbed on to was a woman who was right in front of me, which in turn startled her as she yelled on the top of her voice possibly because she thought that someone was trying to snatch her handbag. There I was left in the middle of the bazaar pathway with a bruised right shin and my damaged ego as it caused quite a commotion with passerbys looking on and in no doubt judging me in their heads.

On Sunday, I experienced a little bit of Malaysian "mannerism". I was thoroughly enjoying the Spiderman 3 movie when this selfish guy at the back of me kept tapping his feet and pushed his legs onto the back of my seat. It was so irritating that I was on the verge of just turning my back and looked at him. Unfortunately me being my usual cultured and tame self, it was just an evil thought that came to me but something I would never do it but my body language showed that I was very uneasy with my seat but did he look a bit apologetic after the movie? Na-ah....

1 comment:

kiLikiNa said...

i miss your updates on your blog. do keep blogging!


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