Monday, December 31, 2007

4 weeks and counting....

I'm expected to give birth in exactly a months' time..*gasp. Pretty anxious about it. A lot of advices and concerns poured out to me lately like "Have I packed my hospital bag?", "what to expect during contractions?", "false labour vs real labour" and etc...It seems having a baby is definately a whole new experience to both of us as first time parents when everything seems to cost a lot of money from choosing the baby cot to breast pumps and the list seems to be endless each time we walk into a mall or a baby shop.

But the thought of holding and cuddling our baby girl for the first time is something both myself and Jon are really looking forward to. In fact, we have started assembled the baby cot and baby changing table and arranged them in our room. Yup, our bedroom kinda a bit small now with these two in our room but the idea of placing the baby in another room is not something we want to coz as much as we need much sleep, both of us agreed that we would prefer to bond with our baby girl as much as possible in her first few months before I'm back to work again after my 2 months maternity leave.

Praise God that we have found our much needed babysitter at last. Been searching for the right one for a long long time and it is a blessing knowing our babysitter is known to Jon personally and most importantly the babysitter is a believer herself and we pray that she'll be able to teach more and more about Jesus to her and she'll grow up to be a godly child.

1 comment:

kiLikiNa said...

alas! you're back! i understand what you're going through as in the excitement and the finances portion of having a baby. i have most of my baby stuff borrowed so that i do not need spend too much. you may want to do this if you have friends or relatives who could lend you stuff or give you baby clothes since the baby won't be wearing them for a long time. besides that, don't worry and let God handle everything. :)


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